
LWAPP - Lightweight Access Point Protocol 輕級無線網路存取協定, RFC 5412


Lightweight Access Point Protocol or LWAPP is the name of a protocol that can control multiple Wi-Fi wireless access points at once. This can reduce the amount of time spent on configuring, monitoring or troubleshooting a large network. The system will also allow network administrators to closely analyze the network.

This system is installed in a central server that gathers data from RF devices from different brands and settings. The server can command a selected group of devices to apply given settings simultaneously.

LWAPP Layer 2 - Layer 2 LWAPP only requires a data link connection (MAC) in order to transfer frames and layer 2 broadcasts. Even if IP connectivity is established it will still operate at layer 2.

LWAPP Layer 3 - IP, Layer 3, connectivity must be established to work with this form of the protocol. Broadcasts or DHCP option 43 can be used to prime the access-points of the network. However, the controller must be on the same subnet if DHCP is not configured to handle layer 3 LWAPP provisioning.

Cisco 白皮書:

傳統的無線網路解決方案把所有的流量處理、射頻控制、安全機制、和行動功能分散到無線網路存取器上。然而,這樣的架構只限制了802.11 傳送到單一存取器的流量而已。這意謂:
-客戶不能快速遞移(fast handoff),但這卻是支援語音和視訊等即時應用的重要要素。

當越來越多有著中央化無線區域網路智慧功能的輕級無線網路存取器產品出現在市場上時,如何在這些設備之間進行溝通的產業管理標準需求就開始浮現出來。LWAPP是網際網路工程工作特別小組(IETF)對這個議題所提出的一項標準化草案;它最早是由Airespace(這家公司在2005年3月被思科購併)和NTT DoCoMo所提出的,對無線網路存取器與無線區域網路系統(控制器、交換器、路由器等)之間的溝通協定進行標準化。這項提議的目標正如網際網路工程工作特別小組(IETF)所陳述的,是要:

.減少存取器內的資訊處理量,讓有限的電腦資源在面臨不符合過濾和強制策略(policy enforcement)時,能夠專注在無線網路存取工作上。

LWAPP計劃透過定義出以下的幾種 來點出這些問題:


RFC 5412:

Wireless Termination Points (WTPs)
Access Controller (AC)

Quality of Service

   It is recommended that LWAPP control messages be sent by both the AC
   and the WTP with an appropriate Quality-of-Service precedence value,
   ensuring that congestion in the network minimizes occurrences of
   LWAPP control channel disconnects.  Therefore, a Quality-of-Service-
   enabled LWAPP device should use:

   802.1P:   The precedence value of 7 SHOULD be used.

   DSCP:   The Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) tag value of 46
           SHOULD be used.

      LWAPP Transport Header

       0                   1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      |VER| RID |C|F|L|    Frag ID    |            Length             |
      |          Status/WLANs         |   Payload...  |

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